The Next Big Thing In NFT: The DeFi Infrastructure For Utility NFTs 5368


2021 was a ‘Year of Renaissance’ for NFTs. From the mainstream perspective of the market, after the crypto cat project boomed in 2018, NFTs finally in 2021 ushered in a concentrated outbreak where many flourished. On the one hand, Opensea has taken the lead in NFTs trading, forming a blue-chip phalanx of NFTs led by CryptoPunk, BAYC, Coolcat and other projects. On the other hand, GameFi projects represented by Axie Infinity combines NFTs with DeFi, successfully bringing the brand-new economic model of Play to Earn to the mainstream market. In the great bull market, NFTs succeeded in overtaking the curve to attract main market funds, and it has become an important asset class in the blockchain world. Since 2022, the NFTs market has inevitably been affected by the macro market condition. After the frenzy, market participants began to rethink the fundamentals of the NFTs track: What will be the future of NFTs? What will be the next NFTs hotspot?

The current NFTs market can be classified into at least two relatively independent categories: Digital collectibles and utility NFTs. Most PFPs would fall into the former category, whose value comes from the scarcity, hence the valuation is very much subjective. Utility NFTs are quite different as the valuation is supported by their intrinsic value.

GameFi assets are an iconic example of utility NTFs. The value of GameFi assets can be clearly quantified based on the potential cash flow value derived from the P2E tokenomics. Thus, DeFi infrastructure is potentially very relevant to the utility NFTs with a similar significance as to the fungible token assets.

Shape The Markets: An Overview Of DeFi Infrastructure

So how would the DeFi infrastructure be built in the NFTs market? We can look at the DeFi world. Based on the magnitude of significance, we can easily identify the four most essential pillars that support the whole DeFi world: Uniswap, AAVE/Compound, Synthetix, and YFI. But why?

The formation of any financial market would not be possible without the maturity of the following 4 markets First, a market that sufficiently discovers the price of assets is fundamentally essential for the purpose of price provision on all levels of liquidity. Secondly, a market that sufficiently discovers the interest rate of assets that gives an answer to the question “how can we effectively price various levels of risk in this market”. Then, based on the two aforementioned markets, a series of derivative instruments can be created for investors to manage their leverage, thus adding more liquidity to the market. Finally, there comes the aggregator, which gathers the assets and liquidity scattered around the market to lower the barrier to entry of the market. And as a result, more liquidity would be injected into the market. Through the whole process, a basket of ‘mainstream assets and the ‘anchor of value’ (DAI or USDC) would also be discovered and widely adopted.

Available DeFi Infrastructure for Utility NFTs

Compared to the more established DeFi markets, infrastructure for utility NFTs. OpenSea being the primary NFTs marketplace, the trading mechanism, however, is based on order book model. The efficiency of such a matchmaking mechanism is low. It might be a viable solution for low liquidity digital collectibles with subjective valuation, but is clearly not servicing the purpose of continuous price discovery for utility NFTs very well.

Since the value of utility NFTs is derived from the inherent value of cash rewards in Play-to-Earn scheme, the mechanism designed for lending and borrowing utility assets is significantly different from the logic of token asset loans. It is more similar to a finance leasing or rental business in the real world where the ‘right to use’ can be transferred without any change of ownership. The implementation of the ‘right to use’ function in a decentralized manner for NFTs has become a big challenge.

Luckily, some projects have already started offering innovative solutions to this problem. We will discuss the pros and cons of each of these projects in several aspects.

Launched in June 2020 by Stephen Young, NFTFi is a marketplace for NFT mortgages. It allows users to deposit NFTs as collateral to borrow crypto assets such as ETH or WDAI.

How It Works?
As an NFTs mortgage platform, NFTFi allows borrowers to deposit accepted NFT assets as collateral for issuing a loan amount from platform. The renter will set the duration schedule of the loan as well as the interest rate, and the borrower has to follow the terms of agreement. The lender is able to claim collateral assets if the borrower breaks the contract.

Strengths and Weaknesses
NFTFi provides a platform for NFT assets holders to collateralize their NFTs and obtain loans in a decentralized way. This platform is implemented by smart contracts with very simple liquidation mechanisms. For example, if collateral asset value fails to cover the borrowing amount of assets, it occurs liquidation.

The platform enables holders of NFTs to access liquidity with collateral. However, the core issue is how to determine the price of NFTs reasonably. The NFTs price market is highly volatile, and due to the poor liquidity of the NFT assets, the floor price of NFTs can drop significantly and trigger liquidation. In this case, the borrowers will suffer a loss very easily. To prevent that, the borrowers will always leave a huge buffer premium, and this significantly reduces the fund-use-efficiency.

We can draw the conclusion that NFTFi’s protocol is not a perfect solution to solve liquidity problems for utility NFTs.

reNFT is a leasing platform which NFT assets holders can lease out their assets and receive rental revenue over the lease period of the assets. From the NFTs borrowers’ point of view, if there is a temporary need for some particular NFT assets, instead of buying they are able to rent out suitable NFT assets through this platform.

How it works?
Borrowers are required to clarify the lease schedule in advance and transfer the corresponding lease fee and collateral (the value should be equal to the NFTs assets price) into the third-party escrow smart contract. When the borrower returns the NFTs by requirements, the collateral is also returned. If the borrowers fail to return the NFTs, the collateral will be paid to the renter as compensation. The price of the collateral is obtained by Chainlink from the OpenSea platform. The collateral will also be used to generate interest on the AAVE which increases the fund-using-efficiency.

Strengths and Weaknesses
reNFT proposes a solution for NFT lending and borrowing, which brings value to idle NFTs and enables cash flow. It aggregates assets from renter and borrower through an escrow smart contract, thus allowing asset security for both.

However, the liquidation mechanisms require collateral and occupies high rate in capital to prevent liquidation. Secondly, the renter and borrower must pre-determine the lease schedule and pay upfront. The leasing method is based on peer-to-peer matching which is low efficiency.

IQ Protocol
IQ Protocol is a DeFi tool introduced by PARSIQ whose main role is to provide the framework that enables controlled rentals of assets in the form of Time-limited wrapping.

How it works?
IQ Protocol has not yet officially launched, but from the information in its white paper, IQ Protocol will try to wrap an NFT into a rentable wNFT. The asset will lock up ownership as it is lent, leaving the borrowers of the asset with only the right to use but not the right to sell or transfer. With this approach, there is no liquidation mechanism during the process as it effectively avoids the risk of losing the NFT itself.

Strengths and Weaknesses
The solution proposed by IQ Protocol is well suited to the practical needs of utility NFTs, i.e., the transfer of usage rights while ownership remains unchanged. The entire lending approach will be realized by wNFT liquidity pool, and its lending efficiency is greatly enhanced compared to the P2P approach.

However, since wNFT itself is a Time-limited NFTs derivative, IQ’s leasing solution still requires both renter and borrower to pre-determine the leasing schedule and pay the rental fee in advance when the lending occurs. Another issue with IQ Protocol is for applications that rely on recording on-chain interaction data within the NFTs, such as fully decentralized games. The Wrapping and Unwrapping processes may lead to lost or incoherent on-chain data within the NFTs.

AFKDAO is a DeFi infrastructure solution for the utility NFTs, introduced by Ben Gothard’s team in late 2021 and announced its SDKs on Github in early 2022.

It was first applied to Play-to-Earn projects which helps to provide a life-cycle lending and liquidity solution for GameFi assets.

How it works?
The solution is based on the new ERC-4610 protocol which is an extensible protocol for NFT assets developed by AFKDAO. Erc-4610 is designed to be fully compatible with the NFT format ERC-721. A holder of an ERC-4610 NFT can issue the right of usage to others, without relying on any third-party platforms/smart contracts.

The approaches of implementation are available for ERC-4610:
1. ERC-4610 native NFT
2. A wrapper solution for the existing ERC-721 NFTs

ERC-4610 also activates another use case of utility NFT assets: on-chain NFT asset management and profit distribution.

In the case of P2E games, the protocol allows the lending of GameFi NFT assets to others, while all the rewards are managed by smart contract, which can be divided among multiple parties in predetermined proportions.

The AFKDAO comprises 3 modules: NFT Launchpad, AFK Aggregator and NFTs Lending Pool. Through these three products, AFK tries to explore a sufficient pricing mechanism for utility NFTs.

Any assets launched on the AFK Launchpad must be ERC-4610-compatible, either being ERC-4610 native NFTs or wrapped into ERC-4610. The Play-to-Earn mechanism must be open on the sale day, and a vault would be required to open in order to make ROI stats available to the community. This enables the buyers to discover a reasonable price range for NFTs before and after the sale, which helps to prevent hype-speculation which sets high barrier to entry of the projects.

The AFK aggregator is a YFI-like fund management protocol but for NFTs. It aggregates utility NFT assets in a fully decentralized way powered by ERC-4610.

When it comes to the P2E game use cases, AFK Aggregator enables the players or guilds to raise NFT assets for the purpose of profit generating and sharing fully on-chain by setting up a ‘vault’ and defining the details of the raise. NFT owners simply need to stake to delegate the guilds to manage their NFTs. All profits will be returned to the ‘delegator smart contract’ for automatic distribution to all parties related onchain, eliminating the need for third-party escrow or private key transfer.


The whole delegation process requires zero need for collateral as well as any upfront payment for using the NFTs. The AFK Aggregator also allows the fundraiser to subdelegate scholars, which supports the guild management needs to enable the delegation of assets to multiple addresses at the same time.

The NFTs lending pool is comparable to AAVE or Compound, which is a pooled lending and borrowing liquidity solution for NFT assets. Eligible ERC-4610-compatible NFT assets can be staked into the pool at any time for revenue while borrowers are enabled to borrow NFT assets at any time without any collaterals as long as there are enough NFT assets in the pool. Borrowers would be required to stake relevant tokens as the ‘top-up’ where interest costs will be deducted from (eg. $SLP for Axie pool, $GEAR for PlaceWar Tank pool). The interest rate will be calculated in real-time by block via the algorithm based on the supply and demand situation of the pool. When the top-up by a borrower is depleted by costs incurred, the lease will be terminated.

Strengths and Weaknesses
AFKDAO provides a relatively comprehensive DeFi infrastructure solution for utility NFT assets.

It put forward a preliminary solution to the price discovery and interest rate discovery for long-tailed utility NFTs. AFKDAO adds an access control to NFTs to separate the use right from ownership, which helps to maximize the fund utilization rate and efficiency.

At this stage, the utility NFT market is still in its early stage, AFK’s solution mainly focuses on Play-to-earn games, and more time is needed for big traction. As the scale of the utility NFT market expands, it is believed that products like AFKDAO will gain much larger adoption.

Find out more about AFKDAO on its official sites:


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Zilliqa launches Jasper Proto-Testnet for Zilliqa 2.0, the blockchain built for mass adoption 21

Zilliqa, the established layer-1 blockchain platform that pioneered sharding technology, is excited to announce the launch of the Jasper proto-testnet for Zilliqa 2.0, the first release on its roadmap for its new, upgraded network designed to drive mass adoption of Web3.

This significant milestone sees the first Zilliqa 2.0 proto-testnet become available to the public, marking a crucial first step in the rollout of its new network, which promises to deliver an efficient and scalable blockchain designed to make Web3 as easy to use as the internet. The release of Jasper is the first step on the roadmap for Zilliqa 2.0, each of which will see the network expanded with further functionality according to the protocol’s whitepaper.

The Jasper proto-testnet introduces Zilliqa 2.0’s new Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, which delivers lightning-fast transactions at low cost, all while remaining energy efficient and capable of scaling to the needs of businesses and developers globally. This early version of the Zilliqa 2.0 network allows developers and validators to explore the new network’s enhanced capabilities and experiment with running a validator node and earning rewards for helping to secure the network.

The proto-testnet offers other foundational features such as EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatibility and support for Scilla smart contracts, and the network will continue to undergo active development as work progresses on Zilliqa 2.0. The Zilliqa tech team will work closely with developers and validators to discuss their feedback and mitigate the impact of any bugs or downtime they encounter when testing this early, proto-testnet version of the Zilliqa 2.0 network.

Future milestones include the release of the Zilliqa 2.0 mainnet and the progressive introduction of features such as x-shards and smart accounts, which will deliver unprecedented customisation and accessibility.

A core feature of Zilliqa 2.0’s design is to be able to adapt to the scaling and security needs of the applications running on it, allowing businesses and developers to build on a platform that works for them while being seamlessly integrated with the global Web3 ecosystem and audience. Zilliqa 2.0’s simplicity and powerful customisation positions it as the ideal white-label solution for businesses looking to leverage the benefits of Web3.

Whether a company or developer wants to launch their own digital assets, build decentralised applications (dApps), or create new digital experiences, Zilliqa 2.0 will provide the infrastructure to do so efficiently and at scale.

Commenting on the release of the Jasper proto-testnet for Zilliqa 2.0, Zilliqa Head of Research Zoltan Fazekas said: “This launch marks a significant step forward in realising our vision for Zilliqa 2.0. The Jasper proto-testnet is not just a test environment – it’s the beginning of a new era in blockchain technology, where speed, efficiency, and user-friendliness converge. We invite developers and businesses to join us in exploring the possibilities of this groundbreaking network.”

With the launch of Jasper, Zilliqa is calling on potential new validators worldwide to onboard and test the network as pioneers of Zilliqa 2.0. This is an opportunity to play a key role in the future of the network and earn sustainable rewards by contributing to its security and resilience. Developers and potential validators are encouraged to read the docs for Zilliqa 2.0 to get started with the Jasper proto-testnet.

About Zilliqa

Zilliqa is the industry-recognised layer-1 blockchain founded in Singapore in 2018. The blockchain serves as a versatile foundation that facilitates a broad array of Web3 applications and services across a multitude of sectors including luxury and entertainment, providing a robust platform for emerging startups and established enterprises alike.

The next evolution of the network, Zilliqa 2.0 offers a user-centric and customisable layer 1 infrastructure designed to drive the mass adoption of Web3. Currently rolling out testnet with the mainnet launch in Q4’2024.

For more information, visit

Paxos Expands to Arbitrum with Plans to Bring Tokenization Platform to the Network 25

The Arbitrum Foundation today announced that Paxos, a regulated blockchain infrastructure and tokenization platform, will integrate with Arbitrum, the leading Layer 2 (L2) scaling solution on Ethereum. Arbitrum is the first L2 network that Paxos will enable, joining one of the largest on-chain ecosystems in the space and expanding its presence in the Ethereum ecosystem.

This partnership is a crucial development for facilitating further institutional integration onto the Arbitrum network and bringing real-world assets on-chain. Via Arbitrum, Paxos will tap into Etherum’s deep liquidity, at higher speeds and low cost, and engage Arbitrum’s active DeFi ecosystem. Enterprises and institutions will leverage these capabilities to enable innovative financial products and services.

Luke Xiao, Fintech Partnership Lead at Offchain Labs commented on the news, “We are excited that Paxos has decided to bring their stablecoin issuance and regulated tokenization platform to Arbitrum. Arbitrum’s high performance network and robust ecosystem makes it a natural home for Paxos’ tokenization platform. This collaboration brings together Paxos’ industry-leading infrastructure and Arbitrum’s robust onchain ecosystem. We’re excited to see the transformative impact this will have on DeFi and the broader Arbitrum ecosystem.”

Paxos’ highly regulated approach ensures that its tokenization offerings comply with financial regulations in each region of operation. With trust and credibility built into its platform, Paxos supports leading enterprises and institutions that will now be able to leverage Arbitrum’s highly-scalable and efficient network.

Walter Hessert, Head of Strategy at Paxos, added “We are excited to partner with Arbitrum to bring more real-world assets on-chain. Arbitrum is known for its speed, security and scalability, which is critical to driving long-term adoption of digital assets across industries. In the next three years, the adoption of stablecoins by both retail and institutional user will explode and Paxos will drive that paradigm shift. “

About The Arbitrum Foundation

The Arbitrum Foundation, founded in March 2023, supports and grows the Arbitrum network and its community with secure scaling solutions for Ethereum. Arbitrum One—a leading Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution initially developed by Offchain Labs—offers ultra-fast, low-cost transactions with security derived from Ethereum through Optimistic Rollup technology. Launched in August 2021, the Arbitrum One mainnet beta is EVM-compatible to the bytecode level and has 54%+ TVL in the L2 segment. 2000+ DeFi and NFT projects are live in the ecosystem to date. In August 2022, Arbitrum One upgraded to Nitro tech stack, enabling fraud proofs over the core engine of Geth compiled to WASM.

About Offchain Labs

Offchain Labs is a venture-backed, Princeton-founded company that has dedicated over five years to blockchain research and development. As the original contributors to Arbitrum, Offchain Labs has been instrumental in revolutionizing the industry through this leading network scaling solutions. The team continues to build upon this foundation by innovating and enhancing products such as Prysm, Arbitrum Orbit, Stylus, and Arbitrum Nitro. In October 2022, Offchain Labs acquired Prysmatic Labs, the leading consensus client for Ethereum, further cementing Offchain Labs alignment with Ethereum.

About Paxos

Paxos is the leading regulated blockchain infrastructure and tokenization platform. Its products are the foundation for a new, open financial system that can operate faster and more efficiently. Today, trillions of dollars are locked in inefficient, outdated financial plumbing that is inaccessible to millions of people. Paxos is replatforming the financial system to enable assets to instantaneously move anywhere in the world, at any time, in a trustworthy way.

Paxos partners with leading global enterprises to tokenize, custody and trade assets. Its blockchain solutions are used by leaders like PayPal, Interactive Brokers, Mastercard, Mercado Libre and Nubank. It is the issuer of numerous regulated digital assets including PayPal USD (PYUSD), Pax Dollar (USDP) and Pax Gold (PAXG). Its affiliate company Paxos International issues the yield-bearing regulated stablecoin Lift Dollar (USDL). Prudentially regulated by the NYDFS in the US, the MAS in Singapore and FSRA in Abu Dhabi Global Market, Paxos is a top-funded fintech company with more than $540 million raised from leading investors including Oak HC/FT, Declaration Partners, Founders Fund, Mithril Capital and PayPal Ventures.

Zeus Dex launches bridgeless multi-chain platform, addressing DeFi fragmentation with $4.5M liquidity on launch 326

Zeus Dex has officially launched its innovative multi-chain decentralized exchange (Dex). Built with Layer One X’s innovative multi-chain X-Talk technology. X-Talk enables seamless cross-chain trading without the need for traditional bridges. In 2022 alone, over $2.6 billion was lost to bridge hacks, highlighting the security vulnerabilities of existing cross-chain solutions. Moreover, liquidity fragmentation has been a significant pain point for DeFi users, as liquidity is often dispersed across multiple ecosystems, making it difficult for users to access the best rates and maximize returns. Zeus Dex aims to solve these issues by offering a unified decentralised trading platform where users can effortlessly trade assets across EVM and Non-EVM chains like Ethereum, Solana, Arbitrum, Binance Smart Chain, Tron and more.

Zeus Dex’s key features include Multi-Chain Balancer Pools, allowing users to create or participate in pools with assets from EVM and Non-EVM chains like ETH-SOL, ETH-BNB, and more, providing deep liquidity across networks. Additionally, the platform offers a user-friendly zapping feature, simplifying the process of moving funds between different blockchain ecosystems, making multi-chain DeFi more accessible than ever.

With $4.5 million in initial liquidity, Zeus Dex is set to provide users with enhanced trading capabilities, secure transactions, and a seamless experience across multiple chains. Single staking Liquidity pools for multiple networks are in place to provide liquidity for swaps and the fees are distributed back to the token holders. ~30% of the liquidity in DeFi is fragmented and Zeus Dex aims to market to users on all chains as well as other De-Fi Projects. Additional features will be rolled out, including multi-chain lending and borrowing, auto compounding and Omni-Chain user credit score building systems in partnership with other DeFi protocols.

Zeus Dex’s Tokenomics have been structured to ensure sustainability, and incentivize long-term platform growth:

  1. Team allocation: 20% of the total supply is reserved for the core team and advisors.
  2. Initial sale and incentives: 35% is allocated initial token sale and liquidity provisioning across various pools. 
  3. Public distribution: 10% will be made available through a public sale.
  4. Treasury & development fund: 15% is set aside for futured development and ecosystem incentives.
  5. Marketing & partnerships: 20% is reserved for marketing efforts and strategic partnerships.

Zeus Dex has an innovative two-phase token sale. In Phase B (Sept24 to Oct24), tokens are available for purchase at $0.03 each, with the sale lasting for two months. After Phase B, 25% of the participants’ tokens will be unlocked, and these will have priority for sale to Phase C (Nov24 – Dec24) participants at a price of $0.075. Additionally, during Phase B, participants will benefit from a 165% APR, which will be distributed daily, incentivizing continued liquidity provision and staking in the platform. This unique structure ensures a balanced reward system and supports liquidity growth across the Dex. For the timeline of phase B and C, ZDX holders will be able to stake their ZDX into a single staking pool that will provide SZDX as rewards, that can be traded with L1X, ETHUSDC and BSCUSDT.

Zeus Dex has created a global liquidity pool that projects from any network can access by integrating with its cross-chain contracts, secured by the X-Talk infrastructure. This setup enhances trading volumes for liquidity providers, allowing them to earn fees not only from the Zeus Dex platform but also from external applications that connect to it. The objective is to provide a global liquidity infrastructure enabling Zeus to be a powerhouse of cross-chain liquidity management and provisioning solutions. Zeus has already commenced integrating with multiple applications to provide its initial and incoming liquidity to generate fees. Zeus Dex is aiming to leverage Bitcoin Integration into cross-chain capabilities to be powered by X-Talk infrastructure from Layer One X.

Compared to bridges, X-Talk uses less contracts and is more secure with cross-chain contract calls making transactions done with Zeus lower in fees, secure and faster. With more than $10 billion being paid in liquidity mining across DeFi protocols and ~30% of the TVL (Total Value Locked) being fragmented, Zeus Dex aims to target this market promoting bridgeless multi-chain liquidity movement and management.

Zeus Dex is live at

LedgerAI Partners Secures First of Numerous Letters of Intent with Financial Recovery Strategies (FRS) to Revolutionize Business Intelligence 641

LedgerAI, a leader in artificial intelligence and business solutions technology, is thrilled to announce it has secured its first Letter of Intent (LOI) with Financial Recovery Strategies (FRS), marking a transformative moment as the company redefines the future of business intelligence by applying Artificial Intelligence (AI), intelligently. This will be part of an ongoing series of LOI announcements with clients.

Aura Vision: The Intelligent Heart of FRS

This cutting edge AI interface will function as an unparalleled Board and Executive Concierge, Chief of Staff, and Chief Administrator, but these titles only scratch the surface of its functional capabilities. At the core of this partnership with FRS is LedgerAI’s flagship AI platform, Aura Vision – a dynamic, next-generation AI-powered interface designed to act as the nerve center of FRS. Aura Vision doesn’t just support decision-making; it revolutionizes it by seamlessly integrating into every layer of FRS’s operations.

From real-time analysis of class action litigation landscapes to forecasting financial recovery trends, Aura Vision ensures FRS is always one step ahead, making decisions with a confidence rooted in data-driven intelligence. Aura Vision is engineered to anticipate the needs of FRS’s leadership and operational teams, proactively delivering critical market insights, risk assessments, and internal intelligence. It sifts through vast data streams, identifies patterns, and presents actionable insights with unparalleled speed and accuracy.

Michael Epstein, CEO of FRS: “Aura Vision is a game-changer for FRS. It’s like having a team of the world’s top strategists, analysts, and advisors working 24/7, but with the precision and efficiency that only AI can provide. For an organization like ours, with over 29,000 clients, the ability to proactively manage and interpret vast amounts of data is invaluable. Aura Vision doesn’t just tell us what’s happening; it tells us what’s coming, allowing us to act swiftly and strategically.”

Strategic Partnership: A New Era for FRS and LedgerAI

Epstein also spoke highly of the team of four co-founders behind LedgerAI: “The brilliance of CEO Paul Chou and his executive team at LedgerAI cannot be overstated. From Paul’s visionary leadership to Bob Carella’s financial expertise and client focus, David Lara’s operational and market insights, and Jorge Guinovart’s marketing reach, this partnership is the perfect alignment of innovation and execution. Aura Vision represents the culmination of their efforts, and we at FRS couldn’t be more excited to integrate it into our operations. The immediate ROI we anticipate from Aura Vision’s proactive intelligence-sharing capabilities is very exciting.”

Looking Ahead: Redefining Business Intelligence

The LOI with FRS positions LedgerAI as a leader in AI innovation. Aura Vision is not just another tool; it’s a revolutionary platform that will redefine how companies like FRS operate – making business intelligence more intuitive, integrated, and impactful by applying Artificial Intelligence, intelligently.

About FRS

Financial Recovery Strategies (FRS) is a leading firm specializing in class action settlement claims recovery and cost-saving strategies. With over 29,000 clients, more than 400 of them being fortune level companies, FRS provides comprehensive management of class action claims, from tracking litigations to overseeing settlement distributions. For more information, visit

About LedgerAI

LedgerAI is at the forefront of artificial intelligence and business solutions technology, dedicated to revolutionizing how businesses operate through cutting-edge AI platforms like Aura Vision. LedgerAI continues to push the boundaries of innovation and deliver exceptional value to its clients. For more information, visit


Core Foundation Announces LstBTC, a Liquid Staking Token on the Core Blockchain 1292

The Core Foundation, a group dedicated to sponsoring ecosystem development on Core’s Bitcoin-powered blockchain, has announced LstBTC, an ERC-20 liquid staking token pegged 1:1 with Bitcoin (BTC). This innovation enables BTC holders to earn daily rewards in CORE tokens while maintaining the liquidity of their Bitcoin—a solution to the longstanding challenge of choosing between staking and liquidity in the DeFi space.

Addressing the Liquidity Challenge

For Bitcoin holders, the choice between staking their assets for rewards and keeping them liquid for DeFi participation has always been a difficult one. Traditional BTC staking often requires locking up assets, making them unavailable for other uses. LstBTC eliminates this trade-off by preserving Bitcoin’s value while offering the benefits of staking. Holders can now keep their BTC liquid and participate fully in the evolving BTCfi ecosystem.

How LstBTC Works

Each LstBTC token is fully pegged to one BTC, ensuring that its value remains stable. Unlike standard staking, LstBTC allows holders to retain full liquidity, meaning their Bitcoin can still be used for lending, transferring and swapping like any other ERC-20 token. This flexibility is a game-changer for those who want to maximize their returns without compromising their ability to engage in DeFi activities.

Enhanced Security with Multisig Setup

LstBTC is issued on the Core blockchain and features a Multisig setup on the Bitcoin network. While this requires a slight increase in trust, the Multisig setup is managed by reputable entities, a practice widely adopted in many established protocols. The Multisig wallets undergo rigorous security audits, ensuring that users’ assets are well-protected, while still allowing them to benefit from the liquidity and rewards offered by LstBTC.

Expanding the BTCfi Ecosystem

LstBTC will further expand Core’s already comprehensive BTCfi ecosystem, which includes lending, borrowing, restaking, DEXs, perpetual futures, and NFT platforms. By bridging the gap between staking and liquidity, LstBTC offers BTC holders greater flexibility in managing their assets.

“Bitcoin holders have long faced a difficult choice between staking their assets and keeping them liquid for participation in the DeFi ecosystem,” said Rich Rines, Initial Contributor at Core. “LstBTC changes that by allowing users to earn staking rewards in Core while keeping their Bitcoin liquid and active in the ecosystem.”

A Solution That Meets Market Needs

LstBTC is designed for BTC holders who want to maintain their asset liquidity while still earning staking rewards. The Multisig wallet setup, backed by reputable entities and rigorous audits, ensures that security is not compromised, making LstBTC a reliable choice for those looking to engage more fully in the BTCfi ecosystem.

See more on LstBTC in this explainer video: For more information about the Core Foundation and Core blockchain, please visit

About Core

Core serves as the Proof of Stake layer for Bitcoin as the first enabler of Non-Custodial Bitcoin Staking, which secures a fully EVM-compatible BTCfi ecosystem. Since April 2024, over 5,000 BTC valued at more than $300 million have been staked with Core, enhancing Bitcoin’s utility and security.

Core is the most Bitcoin-aligned EVM blockchain with ~55% of Bitcoin mining hash power contributing to the network’s security. This breakthrough has amassed millions of Core adopters – over 20M unique addresses, 275M+ transactions, and over 295M TVL since its mainnet launch in January 2023.

Join the Revolution: Financiere de Versailles Offers No Fees, No Commissions, Just Pure Crypto Success! 1517

In a bold move set to redefine the landscape of cryptocurrency trading, Financiere de Versailles has officially announced the launch of its new zero-fee, zero-commission trading platform. This cutting-edge offering is designed to empower traders by maximizing their profits through advanced AI-driven strategies, boasting an impressive 92.4% success rate.

The launch of this platform marks a significant shift in the cryptocurrency trading market, where high fees and commissions have traditionally eaten into traders’ profits. Financiere de Versailles is eliminating these barriers, providing a truly cost-effective solution for both novice and experienced traders alike.

“A New Era in Crypto Trading”

The announcement of this zero-fee, zero-commission platform could not be more timely. As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow in complexity and size, traders are increasingly looking for platforms that not only offer superior trading tools but also do so without the burden of high fees. Financiere de Versailles is answering that call, providing a revolutionary platform that puts traders’ profits first.

The introduction of this platform is a game-changer for the industry. Cryptocurrency trading has been on a rapid rise, attracting investors from all walks of life. However, one of the main challenges has been the often prohibitive fees that accompany trading on many platforms. With Financiere de Versailles, these concerns are a thing of the past. The platform’s zero-fee, zero-commission model ensures that traders can maximize their earnings without worrying about the usual deductions that can significantly impact profits.

“We are ushering in a new era in crypto trading where every trader, regardless of their experience level, can benefit from the market without worrying about fees eroding their earnings,” said the CEO of Financiere de Versailles. “Our platform’s AI-driven technology has been meticulously designed to optimize trading strategies and deliver consistent, high-performing results with a 92.4% success rate. We believe this is the future of trading.”

Why This Matters Now

The introduction of a zero-fee platform is particularly relevant in today’s financial climate, where economic uncertainty and market volatility are at an all-time high. Traders are seeking out platforms that can offer them a competitive edge, and Financiere de Versailles delivers just that. The platform’s AI trading bot is built to analyze market trends in real-time, execute trades with precision, and maximize profitability – all without the hidden costs that have become commonplace in the industry.

This announcement is not just a game-changer for individual traders but could also set a new standard for the entire industry. By removing commissions and fees, Financiere de Versailles is paving the way for more accessible and profitable trading experiences. The platform is designed to allow traders to keep more of their earnings, thus enhancing their ability to reinvest and grow their portfolios over time.

As cryptocurrencies continue to gain traction, the market is becoming increasingly competitive. Traders need every advantage they can get, and Financiere de Versailles provides that edge by offering a platform that is not only cost-effective but also technologically superior. The AI-driven strategies employed by the platform allow traders to navigate the complexities of the market with confidence, knowing that they are backed by one of the most advanced trading systems available.

Driving the Future of Trading

The CEO emphasized that this launch is not just about creating another trading platform but about fundamentally changing how people trade cryptocurrencies. “We’re focused on driving the future of trading by offering a platform that truly serves the needs of the trader. With no fees, no commissions, and the power of AI, we’re making sure our users have every advantage possible in the fast-paced world of crypto.”

The platform’s AI technology is one of its standout features. It uses sophisticated algorithms to continuously scan the markets, identify profitable trading opportunities, and execute trades automatically. This not only reduces the time and effort required from the trader but also significantly increases the likelihood of success in a market known for its unpredictability.

By leveraging AI, Financiere de Versailles ensures that traders can take advantage of market opportunities as they arise, without the delays that often come with manual trading. This real-time response capability is crucial in the fast-moving world of cryptocurrency, where seconds can make the difference between profit and loss.

Call to Action

Financiere de Versailles is inviting traders of all levels to join this revolution in crypto trading. With the promise of no fees, no commissions, and pure success powered by advanced AI, the platform is positioned to become the go-to solution for those looking to maximize their earnings in the cryptocurrency market. Traders can sign up today and start experiencing the benefits of this innovative platform.

To join the revolution and take advantage of Financiere de Versailles’ new platform, visit and start trading smarter, not harder.