Why The Crypto Market Will Be Trillions 1608

Public embarrassment is a horrible feeling. We’ve all experienced in one form or another. Predicting the future of technology is daunting enough but mix that with the future of money and markets – forget about it. The effort was to convey a whole worldview in less than ten minutes. Needless to say, it required a fair amount of sweating to be more than an embarrassment, which it undoubtedly will be considered by some as. The risk seems worth it though so let’s do this!

The below video and continued text go into why many of our trusted systems no longer function properly. I don’t know who built the pyramids but they certainly had their measurement system right for it to be possible and sustainable. The damage done by tech advancements are not yet visible in society on a large scale. We hear of declining sales in music, the press, deteriorating health care budgets, automated factories, AI in commerce and about self-driving cars. The heads of many old systems have already been cut, are bleeding heavily and lashing out aimlessly as the body of the octopus still moves. To make some sense of this, the topics include crypto, capitalism, communism, genetics, competition, media, competence, fairness, cultural revolutions and our shared decentralized future.

Watch the video attempting to assess some of the foundations of the coming value of crypto. Alternatively, revel in me exposing my profound ignorance.

To dig further into the roots of this we need to connect it to other phenomena going on outside crypto. The main argument towards trillions are the coming multiple network effects and, of course, how no industry will be untouched by this. There is more to the story than just tech as ideology plays such a big part in what is going on right now. Predicting a market in the trillions is not a wild estimate by looking at trust on a larger scale by any stretch of the evolutionary imagination. What remains a mystery is the timescale in which it will happen Most of us in this space have also encountered the strange way crypto has been most often represented in mainstream media. Why does only a small amount of the substance get any coverage?

The Intellectual Dark Web

Professor Jordan Peterson has sold 1.5 million copies of his new book “12 Rules for life”. It is not on the New York Times bestseller list due to a technicality excuse that they have previously broken for other Canadians. The real reason is purely ideological and has nothing to do with why their list is still considered valuable by many. Have you heard of the intellectual dark web?  The more you listen to any of the mentioned people in long form conversations, the less their mainstream media treatment seems to be in the pursuit of truth. To be fair, my experiences with mass media has been mostly positive. I’ve always been a proponent of diversity and hate identity politics. What is clearly missing from the current exposure is the diversity of ideas.

Today, it is sexy and woke to say things like:” The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.” I get it. I used to use phrases like this William Gibson quote too before hearing the all too logical counter-arguments. These quotes become less punchy when you have to take into consideration countries that have not yet gone through their own version of the separation of church and state. What is going on suddenly in the west and other parts of the world is already the separation of state and money. To claim we are incompatible as people due to skin color is idiotic. To claim all ideas on how to run society are of equal value is as stupid. The world becomes more complex when ideas are introduced to the mix. The ‘oppression of patriarchal white males’, which is the go-to blame and hate market on why humans currently suffer, loses a lot of ground after an encounter with the IDW people. To see what I mean, watch this in-depth interview of Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan. So what is still missing from the big picture? What perspective can I contribute to be useful?

The only significantly unrepresented issue alongside faith, politics, psychedelics, gender, diversity, science, universal income and many other difficult to talk about subjects by this rat pack of intellectuals is our debt based monetary system. It is still a major mainstream heresy to cover so most stay away from it. The concern is that it is a slippery slope to antisemitic conspiracy theory. That is no longer a valid excuse to stay away from it as many of the IDW subjects potentially have the same road built right into them. The topic can and should be divorced from hyperbole and added to school curriculums. Why on earth are we not teaching how money works in our schools? I’m not talking about what money does which is often the distracting counter-argument. I’m talking about how it is created through fractional lending.

Ironically enough, most of the political polarization problems, extremism and other forms of imbalance stem from unbalanced economics. Our previous World Wars certainly tell that tale. The inconvenient truth is that unless if people understand money at scale, we have horrible problems. Outspoken critics of the current system, like Andreas Antonopoulos, have of course been on the Joe Rogan Experience to talk about this vital issue. I, therefore, vote for Andreas to be added to this IDW list. His contribution is by no stretch of the imagination less significant than the substance of the above people. If anything, it might be the most important thing. What else?

From Gutenberg to Youtube

Turns out people are much smarter than we thought. The written word simply cannot compete with the readiness of our brains to receive stories told verbally. Especially if they are illustrated by visuals and enhanced by music. Due to tens of thousands of years of campfires and humans having many senses, new media communication is integrally more powerful than books for learning. The cost-effective global internet distribution network changed the game again. The trouble is, the written word is much cheaper to get polished to an almost bulletproof state. Podcasting, Youtube, and various other long-form platforms have made an entirely new paradigm of learning possible but still in perception to many – lack intellectual credibility. The tables are turning as solid content and earning models presented by the IDW have entered the scene.

The best podcasts and internet shows remain uninfluenced by a commercial agenda in their subject matter. One episode of Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History will leave you wondering what you would know about history if these episodes would have been part of your homework in school. As a Finn, I would have learned English at the same time. What learnings could you have integrated into your life from it all if you would have been introduced to it this way? The integrity of it all is felt by many to whom it is like someone opened the window to a stuffy room. They all, of course, threaten the income models of education as well as media in the long run. What we are witnessing here is a communication revolution comparable to the Gutenberg one. Our media, schools, money, politics, and faiths are still relatively functional like Mr. Peterson says, but the cloud intelligence of humanity has sensed this new and better wave. It cannot put its finger on it exactly, as it is nearly impossible to do but it is undeniable. There is no doubt in my mind that crypto will play a significant part in reorganizing, monetizing and incentivizing a lot of it. Something else is needed here also, which is emerging at a fast pace.

Unbias Intelligence

Have you seen any of the new videos on the advancements of the robots of Boston Dynamics? The AI inside is what is alarming about it much more than the capabilities the robots are maturing into. This is not about fear porn on robots though. Many people profess the dangers of AI but the optimistic benefits are rarely talked about.

Imagine, for example, a source of information on nutrition that could take into consideration pure carnivore diets, bloodwork, Indian Vedic body types, results on veganism, environmental factors, socio-economical measurements, a myriad of published health research spanning decades, chemistry, supplements, exercise, anomalies etc. It could asses your individual holistic needs measuring them against all available data on the subject. It updates itself on a daily basis from published research papers. What you have posted online might give it significant clues as to what you are not considering to make yourself happier. All this without overpowering commercial coercion nor tribal bias verified on the blockchain. Our greatest weakness currently is our group identification tendency and survival under decaying centralized systems.

Can AI together with blockchain unclog the arteries of money too? I would love for this to be at least a part of the solution. This is not based on ideology in a way that all things will be decentralized. As covered in the podcast below, it is obvious some prefer centralized systems.

One of the future predictions by Andreas Antonopoulos is that crypto won’t be measured in trillions of dollars. His take is that crypto will be measured in crypto as the public perception on it changes. He does not want to bank the 39% who remain without a bank account. He would like to de-bank us all. I’m not knowledgeable enough to agree nor disagree with this. No one knows for sure but the way things are going – the measurement of steady value is unlikely to be the dollar in 50 years.

What do you think?

Art Related Announcements.

Check out my most recent chat with Karim from Basic Crypto Podcast.

The World Crypto Con just launched it’s updated website alongside my personal performance and exhibit page. Cryptomode.com just listed it among the top 5 conferences for the rest of the year. Their new program not only features new significant speakers but a myriad of crypto-related experiences from Formula 1 simulators to a gambling marathon.

Through purchasing a ticket to World Crypto Con via this link and typing in ‘$100 Off: WCC100’ you get – well obviously a 100$ off the ticket but also support the show.

See you in Vegas!

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NFMart secures Significant Investments from FZF Ventures, Layer-OTC, and Other VC Firms in Early 2024 900

NFMart, a groundbreaking platform that empowers individuals to create and own personalized NFT marketplaces, has announced substantial investments from FZF Ventures, Layer-OTC, and two undisclosed venture capital firms in the first half of 2024. These strategic investments aim to enhance NFMart’s mission of simplifying entry into the NFT industry and expanding its unique ecosystem.

NFMart is designed to lower the barriers for individuals and organizations to engage with NFTs by providing a platform that allows users to create tailored marketplaces for their unique NFT content or community. By offering a comprehensive and user-friendly solution, NFMart enables users to seamlessly enter and navigate the exciting world of NFTs.

FZF Ventures, a venture capital firm renowned for its forward-thinking investments in blockchain and technology, has identified NFMart as a key player in the future of digital assets and virtual marketplaces. This investment underscores FZF Ventures’ commitment to supporting innovative projects that democratize access to cutting-edge digital technologies.

In addition to the investment from FZF Ventures, NFMart also secured investments from Layer-OTC and two other unnamed VC firms. These investments further solidify the financial backing and strategic support for NFMart’s growth and development.

Strategic Objectives and Key Features

The funding from FZF Ventures, Layer-OTC, and the other VC firms will be allocated to several critical areas within NFMart:

  • Platform Development: Enhancing the integration of tools and features that allow users to create, customize, and manage their own NFT marketplaces.
  • User Acquisition and Retention: Implementing strategies to attract new users and retain existing ones through innovative features and community incentives.
  • Global Market Expansion: Extending NFMart’s reach to new markets, promoting widespread adoption and participation in the ecosystem.

Core Features of NFMart:

  • Personalized Marketplaces: Users can create and own NFT marketplaces tailored to their unique content and community.
  • Comprehensive Tools: Providing tools for minting, trading, and managing NFTs, making the process accessible to all users.
  • Community Engagement: Enabling creators to build and engage with their own communities within their personalized marketplaces.
  • User Empowerment: Ensuring that users have control over their NFT marketplaces and the content they promote.
  • Generative AI Integration: Future updates will introduce generative AI tools to assist users in developing marketplace designs, branding, and copywriting. These AI features will integrate seamlessly with NFMart’s design editor system, allowing creators to unleash their creative potential with ease.

“Receiving investments from FZF Ventures, Layer-OTC, and our other investors is a significant milestone for NFMart,” said a spokesperson for the company. “These investments will accelerate our efforts to simplify access to the NFT space, making it easier for everyone to create and own their personalized marketplaces.”

About NFMart

NFMart is dedicated to simplifying entry into the NFT industry by empowering individuals to create and own personalized NFT marketplaces tailored to their unique content or community. The platform is designed to lower barriers to entry, allowing users to easily engage with digital assets and build their own NFT ecosystems. NFMart aims to democratize access to the NFT space, fostering a more inclusive digital economy.

About FZF Ventures

FZF Ventures is a visionary venture capital firm that specializes in blockchain and technology investments. The firm is known for its strategic investments in transformative projects that drive industry innovation and growth. FZF Ventures is committed to supporting sustainable development and partnering with companies that have the potential to revolutionize their sectors.

NFM website: https://nfmart.co/
NFM X: https://x.com/NFMartOfficial
NFM Telegram: https://t.me/nfmofficial
FZF website: https://www.fzf-ventures.com/
FZF X: https://x.com/FZF_Ventures
FZF: https://t.me/FZFCommunity

Boba Network and Brinc launch Boba Liftoff Accelerator to boost web3 startups with over $1 million in grants 1324

Boba Network, an optimistic-based multichain layer-2 scaling solution, today announced the launch of the Boba Liftoff Accelerator. Global Web3 startups can apply for participation and benefit from over US$1 million in funding from Boba Network through the virtual accelerator.

Launched in partnership with Brinc, a global leader in venture acceleration and corporate innovation, the Boba Liftoff Accelerator supports founders in migrating their projects to the Boba Network, an efficient layer-2 solution that offers affordable building costs, lower transaction fees, and enhanced computational power through hybrid computing.

Establishing partnerships with industry heavyweights, including Animoca Brands, Bixin Ventures, Ceras, Cointelegraph, DMCC, Enjinstarter, Enya Labs, Gate.io, Genesis Capital, Ghaf Capital Partners, Gotbit, Mulana Capital and The Crypto Times, the Boba Liftoff Accelerator boasts a strong network of 100 Web3 mentors and includes top investors from MENA, North America, and Southeast Asia.

The Boba Liftoff Accelerator aims to identify and mentor leading Web3 startups focused on scaling real-world assets (RWA), AI, DeFi and gaming projects. All successful applicants receive milestone-based grants, comprehensive technical support and strategic business development resources. Participants will also gain lifetime access to the network, ongoing support, and extensive promotion across Boba and Brinc’s global communities and social media platforms.

The Boba Liftoff Accelerator program lasts 10 weeks and is designed to support projects in expanding onto the Boba Network and scaling rapidly. The program leverages Brinc’s and Boba’s robust networks, mentors, and social platforms to promote projects. It is entirely remote, featuring two workshops per week, engineering support from Boba Network, weekly mentorship sessions, investor and partnership connections as needed, and weekly office hours.

“We envision a world where blockchain developers can build applications that use the power of decentralization to solve real-world problems. The Boba Liftoff Accelerator enables developers to do just that, with support from industry experts, to accelerate their progress. We can’t wait to see what they build and support them on their journeys.” Alan Chiu, CEO, Enya Labs, a core contributor to Boba Network.

“This program represents a major investment in the future of Web3,” said Yasin Aboudaoud, Managing Partner – MENA and Chief Development Officer, Brinc. “With Boba Network allocating over US$1 million to support startups in DeFi, RWAs, Gaming, and AI, we are not only advancing these key sectors but also reinforcing Dubai’s position as a global hub for technological innovation. At Brinc, we provide a comprehensive ecosystem that includes world-class mentorship, access to a vast network of industry experts, and tailored support to help startups navigate their growth journeys. Our commitment to fostering innovation ensures that these startups receive the guidance and resources necessary to scale effectively and make a significant impact in their respective fields.”

For more information on the application process and eligibility criteria, please visit the accelerator page.

About Boba

Boba Network is an optimistic-based multichain layer-2 scaling solution that aims to unlock the potential of roll-up technology and enable more flexible blockchain communication. The protocol is fully compatible with EVM-based tools and has already deployed multichain support for Ethereum, and BNB, supporting lightning-fast transactions and fees anywhere from 40-100X less than the respective layer-1. Boba Network is powered by HybridCompute™ technology that brings the power of Web2 on-chain, with smarter smart contracts that allow visionary developers to leverage off-chain compute and real-world data to build hybrid dapps that connect people to the future of blockchain applications.

Learn more: https://boba.network/

About Brinc

Headquartered in Hong Kong, Brinc is a leader in global venture acceleration and operates 10 multidisciplinary accelerator programs across seven countries. Brinc accelerates startups focused on climate tech, CDR, food technology, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, web3, connected hardware, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to create a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive future.

Brinc also supports corporations with distributed innovation strategies, sourcing of new startups and technologies, as well as venture-building Web3-enabled businesses. Global corporations (Manulife, Huawei, Schneider Electric, Puma, Batelco, Merck, Omantel, Linrun Group, Zhihui Park), government organizations (Hong Kong Science Park, NEOM, MBRIF, Guangdong Soft-tech Park), tertiary institutions (HK City University, National University of Singapore), fast-growing companies (Animoca Brands), and leading venture funds (Artesian, LeverVC, Tamkeen, EDB) have all run programs with Brinc. In 2021, Brinc announced a series of venture funds to invest in high-potential early-stage companies through accelerators and provide LPs with a dedicated innovation platform and access to Series A+ co-investment opportunities.

Learn more: www.brinc.io

StakeVault.Network to Launch Validator Services for ETH, ATOM, TIA, and SUI 1667

StakeVault.Network (SVN) is set to expand its validator services to major blockchain networks, including Ethereum (ETH), Cosmos (ATOM), TIA, and SUI, in the near future. This expansion aims to provide users with secure and efficient staking services, enhancing the security and performance of each network.

Discover StakeVault.Network

StakeVault.Network is a project dedicated to offering cutting-edge blockchain infrastructure. It provides validator services that support the operation and security of networks through user-held crypto assets. In today’s rapidly evolving blockchain technology landscape, there is a pressing need for secure, efficient, and scalable solutions for staking and node validation. These processes are crucial for strengthening network security, achieving consensus, and promoting decentralized governance across blockchain ecosystems.

Despite significant advancements, existing node validation and staking solutions often face scalability limitations, insufficient security measures, and a lack of user-friendly interfaces, hindering widespread adoption. StakeVault.Network aims to redefine the staking environment by introducing a robust, scalable, and secure platform to address these challenges, positioning itself as a game-changer in the industry.

Revolutionary Validator Solutions

StakeVault.Network offers comprehensive and customized solutions to address the challenges of staking and node validation. The platform implements advanced node authentication mechanisms to ensure that only reliable nodes participate, enhancing security through multi-factor authentication and continuous monitoring. Its efficient staking mechanism minimizes energy consumption while maximizing network security and participation, and a dynamic reward distribution model ensures fair and transparent rewards.

The user-centric design provides an intuitive interface and simplified staking process, encouraging broad participation. By promoting reliability and empowerment through a transparent economic model and community governance, StakeVault.Network supports the healthy development of the platform.

Expanding Horizons (ETH, ATOM, TIA, SUI)

SVN will provide validator services on the following major blockchain networks:

Ethereum (ETH): Founded by Vitalik Buterin in 2015, Ethereum is a decentralized platform with smart contract functionality. It serves as the foundation for decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and many decentralized applications (DApps) have been developed on it.

Cosmos (ATOM): Cosmos aims to provide interoperability between blockchains with its native token, ATOM. It envisions an “Internet of Blockchains” and offers a software development kit (SDK) for creating independent blockchains.

TIA (Celestia): Celestia offers a modular blockchain focused on specific functionalities, addressing the trilemma of decentralization, scalability, and security. It uses Data Availability Sampling (DAS) for efficient block verification.

SUI: SUI is a layer 1 blockchain network designed for fast and low-cost transactions. It adopts the unique programming language “Sui Move.” SUI has expanded its ecosystem through partnerships with major companies.

Power of SVN Token

The SVN token is a crucial component of the StakeVault.Network ecosystem. Token holders can participate in decision-making processes and earn staking rewards in SVN tokens. Additionally, SVN tokens are used to pay for services and transaction fees, supporting the economic activities within the ecosystem.

About Us
Website: https://stakevaultnet.com/
Twitter: https://x.com/StakeVaultNet
Telegram: https://t.me/StakeVaultNetwork

MetaBeat Partners with FZF Ventures to Lead Web3 Music Innovation 2222

FZF Ventures, a specialist firm in blockchain and cryptocurrency market investments, and MetaBeat, a Fan-to-Earn Kpop Music NFT Platform, officially announced their strategic partnership. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in both companies’ efforts to leverage blockchain technology and the burgeoning digital asset market.

FZF Ventures, known for its proactive investments in high-growth areas within the blockchain sector, recently unveiled the establishment of a dedicated cryptocurrency fund, as reported by Binance News. This move underscores FZF Ventures’ commitment to expanding its foothold in the dynamic world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, seeking promising ventures that contribute to industry innovation and growth.

MetaBeat stands out in the Web3 music industry with its innovative Fan-to-Earn model, which integrates NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and social finance (socialfi) features. As Kpop continues to captivate global audiences, MetaBeat’s platform offers fans unique opportunities to engage directly with their favorite artists through digital collectibles and community-driven initiatives.

In a statement, FZF Ventures highlighted Kpop’s global influence and its potential to drive advancements within the Web3 music industry. The firm recognizes MetaBeat’s distinct ecosystem and its strategic alignment with these transformative trends. By including MetaBeat in its investment portfolio, FZF Ventures aims to catalyze significant growth for the platform, fostering new avenues for artist-fan interactions and expanding the adoption of blockchain technology in entertainment.

The partnership between FZF Ventures and MetaBeat is not just a financial investment but a strategic alignment aimed at harnessing the power of blockchain to reshape the music industry’s landscape. As both entities look ahead, synergies in technology, community engagement, and market expansion are set to define their collaborative journey in the evolving digital economy.

This collaboration underscores a broader trend where blockchain and NFT platforms like MetaBeat are poised to redefine how fans interact with content and creators, emphasizing decentralization, transparency, and new monetization models. With MetaBeat at the forefront of innovation in Kpop music and FZF Ventures’ strategic backing, the partnership signals a promising future at the intersection of music, technology, and finance.

Website: https://metabeat.io/
X: https://x.com/MetaBeatOffl

GGEM Launcher recent updates: IBC Group investment, GGEM token plus Berachain, and new games 2325

GGEM — a Web3 Game Launcher and gaming infrastructure designed for blockchain games and newcomers to crypto and blockchain technology at all — is excited to announce recent significant updates: 4 new games onboarded, launch of GGEM token on Berachain, IBC Group & GensoKishi investments, development milestones achieved.

Launching on Berachain

GGEM token won’t be fazed by crypto winters anymore once it is listed. GGEM team reports that they have just launched on Berachain network, an EVM-identical L1 turning liquidity into security, famous for its Proof Of Liquidity. The native GGEM token is planned to be key and the only token supporting GGEM Infrastructure – all the operations within the Platform will be powered by this token.

Recent Investments

Blockchain gaming is a rapidly growing industry. Investors from all parts of the world are actively contributing to GameFi projects. According to DappRadar’s report for Q2 2024, $1.1 billion was invested in Web3 gaming.

Many value funds have already chosen GGEM for its strong growth potential in the Web3 gaming industry. The reason is straightforward: GGEM simplifies the journey for both gamers and game developers entering the crypto market and blockchain games.

IBC group, a pioneer of cutting-edge growth hacking principles in the crypto space for the last 5 years, has just invested in GGEM. This contribution shows IBC Group’s dedication to innovation in blockchain gaming and highlights GGEM’s growing impact in the industry. With IBC Group’s support, GGEM is set to reach new milestones and bring more exciting developments to the Web3 gaming community.

GensoKishi, already a game partner with GGEM, has also become an investor. Their investment will further support the development of the blockchain gaming community through GGEM.

New games onboarded

GGEM constantly onboards new blockchain games into their Launcher, growing its community and game partners. The list of new available games:

  • Northern Chapter Apocalypse – a third-person multiplayer shooter.
  • World War 0x – a fast paced multiplayer FPS.
  • Eternis Deathmatch – Action, Fighting.
  • Redline – arcade racing.

What’s new in the development?

GGEM Launcher now supports authorization via Google Account and Discord on the desktop version. Previously, this function was available only in the web-version. It became easier and faster to get into the Launcher – launch your favorite games literally in a few clicks.

A significant amount of work is currently underway on the ggem.gg website. The design team and frontend developers are working diligently to complete and launch the new layout by the end of July, according to the GGEM team.

What’s more? The GGEM team is cooking an admin-panel within the Launcher for game studios. This feature will make it easy to manage games with a dashboard, analytics, user flow, quests, and more. It will also simplify updating the game with new builds.

GGEM is also working on crypto-integration – the GGEM Wallet, a unique wallet integrated within the Launcher. This means users won’t need to create or connect any external wallets. When a new account is created, a native wallet is automatically set up. This integration eliminates the need to manage multiple crypto wallets or use third-party services, allowing gamers to focus solely on their game.

Another important development is the implementation of the SDK (Software Development Kit) on the Launcher. The GGEM SDK will allow game developers to create custom events and relay this information to GGEM. This means developers can easily craft engaging and unique Web3 quests on the platform, such as ‘reaching level 10 and clearing a dungeon.’ Developers have complete freedom when creating these quests, and it doesn’t require heavy development work.

About GGEM

GGEM is a Web3 Game Launcher and gaming infrastructure that simplifies onboarding for players into Web3 games, removing any challenging steps for non-crypto natives. The GGEM team believes that the adoption of Web3 gaming can only happen if the interaction with blockchain technology feels seamless and natural from the user’s perspective.

Tangem Launches World’s First Ring Hardware Wallet 2658

Tangem, a leader in cryptocurrency security solutions, announces the launch of the Tangem Ring, the world’s first ring-shaped crypto wallet. This groundbreaking device is set to transform how people interact with cryptocurrencies. By seamlessly integrating into users’ daily lives, the Tangem Ring addresses key barriers to crypto adoption, offering unparalleled convenience without compromising on security.

The Tangem Ring makes hardware wallets more accessible and user-friendly than ever before. Users can now wear their crypto everywhere, enjoying instant access to over 6,000 assets and a range of services on their fingers. This innovation enhances the daily usability of cryptocurrencies and promotes secure habits by encouraging the use of hardware wallets over software alternatives or centralized exchanges.

Andrey Kurennykh, CEO and Co-founder of Tangem: “Our goal with the Tangem Ring was to create a device that seamlessly integrates cryptocurrency management into users’ daily lives. Tangem sets up new standards for the crypto wallet industry and opens the door to the future of crypto, which is easy, accessible, secure, and has a smooth and enjoyable customer experience.”

Dubbed the future of crypto wallets, the Tangem Ring incorporates all the advanced features and shares the same technical characteristics as the Tangem Wallet. The ring has a CC EAL6+ certified chip, and an NFC antenna encased in a hypoallergenic zirconia ceramic shell. It is highly resistant to scratches, extreme temperatures, dust, and water, making it perfect for everyday usage.

Tangem Ring allows users to buy, sell, swap, stake, connect to decentralized applications, and access decentralized finance—all their cryptocurrency needs in one ultimate, everyday device. This significantly reduces the barrier to entry for new users and drives wider adoption of cryptocurrencies.

The Tangem ring is now available for purchase through its official website. For more information about the Tangem Ring and its features, please visit the Tangem website.

About Tangem

Tangem is a leading provider of hardware wallet solutions for digital assets. Tangem is committed to making cryptocurrency management accessible and secure for users worldwide, with a strong focus on security, innovation, and user experience. Tangem has a proven track record of zero hacks among its products thanks to rigorous security measures. The additional audits and certifications by Kudelski Security and Riscure reinforce this trust, making users more confident in adopting and using the Tangem Wallets for their crypto needs.

Website: www.tangem.com/ring/